This essay discusses the role of the Judiciary in the supervision, correction, implementation, and effectiveness of public policies, which must be carefully delimited, focusing on identifying discrepancies with the fundamental objectives and principles of the State. Judicial intervention should be reserved for situations involving complex and multicentric issues, with the aim of restoring conformity. In this context, the structural process emerges as a legitimizing strategy, providing a means through which the Judiciary can act to reinforce the effectiveness of public policies, maintaining a restricted approach to matters of non-conformity and collaborating in the pursuit of harmonizing governmental actions with the values and rights enshrined in the Constitution. The research adopted a qualitative and theoretical approach, employing content analysis, starting with a bibliographical exploration of the limits of judicial intervention in public policies, followed by the analysis of arguments in favor of and against such intervention, as well as the requirements and boundaries for it. The analysis relied on doctrinal positions and precedents from the Supreme Federal Court and the Superior Court of Justice. Ultimately, the work proposes solutions to ensure the effectiveness of fundamental rights and the Republic's objectives without compromising the separation of powers.References
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Recebido em: 24/08/2023
Aprovado em: 23/10/2023
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